
A Journey into Creativity

Come with me on our journey

into creativity, rediscover, expressing, exploring,

learning through research, sharing & inspiring you to thrive on your path too wherever the direction drives self expression

kazsart is a helping hand a friend along with you 

use this site as a dip in dab service like it's in line with your energy levels as a prompt, guide to be used frequently when required

There's thought prompt all around this site leading us to better ways than now 

Let's get moving with conscious change

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  1. Acceptance is never to accept the words or behaviour that is present

    No we do not accept words or thoughts

    We just let these flow through naturally as they do or will

    Acceptance work or practice is not to or there for accepting these all whatever the words or impact is present 

    No please understand this 

    No words especially bad or wrong ones we consider are not to be accepted

    These are there 

    As we have heard this somewhere and come to allow these in 

    Always let them flow yes

    Just not in acceptance


    There are best journaled away 

    Write those all down on paper and throw this away in the literal letting this go 

    Yes be this dramatic if so be 

    Really feel the power of allowing this words to flow through and leave your mind and keep going this does after time and patient work if practiced enough there is a difference I am experience of this it's what I use to rid myself and I hope you join me in this practice 

    Then acceptance of the energy state works even more effectively the power is good with the peace it brings 

  2. In acceptance

    It's just about anytime or any feeling that you find yourself in 

    What emotional state of being

    The field of it 

    The grip it has on us 

    We just be here in this state in this being 

    And just accept its this way

    This time for us 


    So we accepting that this is here 

    This is what we are at this time 

    In a manner of being in this state this energy level we are in


    Not in acceptance of the words or thoughts in our head no

    These are there just to this energy level this energy state this being

    So when we recognise this 

    These thoughts are around or here due to this being we are 

    So we are accepted of this being how we are 

    The emotional state can have an effect of calming down

    as in acceptance this has the a peace a lowering of the state allows us to be at one with it all


    This is not in agreement of the words or thoughts or behaviour no

    It's the energy that surrounds this 

    The energy that is driving these thoughts we accept it is here in is now

    In this time we are feeling this 

    That's not to fight it, not to let it go or out in some other channels or act 

    No we choose to consciously accept this energy time

    As it is here with you

    Or is etc 

    Acceptance it's here with us now 


    The more understanding and awareness we have and allow ourselves

    The more we practise being

    At this point 

    It becomes a meaning and gives us clarity this energy field is present 

    Acceptance lowers it allowing it too be here present


    (Remember this is not in acceptance or agreement with the thoughts that are present no it's accepting the energy around these, if we are requiring work on these words thoughts this is in practicing of self love so please look at this section)

  3. Acceptance is just like it sounds 

    Acceptance of you yourself 

    That begins in the way we think of ourselves as we truly are 

    We just see us as it is 

    Nothing less nothing more 

    Just a normal level a equal in the same level as anyone else 

    Even the next person 

    No one is different inside we all have the same 

    In the same way we are made 

    Inside and outside 

    We all have the same body systems and all it enables us to do 

    And in acceptance we can become at one level with these 

    We are all in the same level field which we call neural 

    This is just out natural state 

    Our natural being 

    The one you are in peace and content or on the verge of happy 

    Where everything and everyone feels the same 

    Acceptance is like the peace of ourselves

    When we feel it have peace and balance 

    The ultimate unconditional being 

    Just being us and accepted who we are in this present moment

    This present positions we find ourselves 

    It just is this !

    And this for now we are alright with whatever this state of being is 

  4. Here on am big on acceptance 

    mostly of our or your self 

    how we see ourselves 

    In our own perspectives 

    how we are as people humans even 

    or in what makes us only human 

    and in acceptance 

    seeing you as a true self

    as you are now in our true form is where it is and where it happens 

    In our being self 

    our essence

    our substance 

    and being us our actual self and being empowered in it 

    experiencing us fully

    this is usually at our most present 

    When we are in touch as one

    a whole

    of us manor

    and in our whole lot of us we have full acceptance of ourselves

    All our acts are our full responsibility

    we have the power 

    the will

    we are accountable 

    to us as a whole

    our mind heart soul connects us and we are all in this essence

    Wholeheartedly us 

    In acceptance we unconditional have our ownness present

    We accept us all

    warts and all

    failures and imperfections

    we seize fully ownership 

    Of all of us and our behaviour and accept them while


    In the power of this 

    We embrace who we are 

    One part at a time sometimes if that's where we are or piece by piece we come to terms with everything that has took it or taken face 

    We seize the all 

    Fully acceptance 


    We do have to think about it all each part has value 

    Each piece learns us something

    Teaches us to be calm in the face of adversity 

    Understand it's meaning 

    In acceptance it gives us meaning 


    keep reading and practising this we start seeing reflective light beginning

    what's in the past has already been done it's took place 

    so there's next and gain 

    acceptance in the flow of what's next 

    you choose It's your choice your decision 

    willingness in acceptance of the self 

  5. Skills check let's begin grab a pen and paper or a document on your mobile 

    And just brainstorm all you can all your skills 

    Every one 

    Just write them all out 

    Let's start with the easy ones the main ones like what we have been paid for in the past write those the career works ones 

    Then go into your personal skills only you had and those shared with others 

    Add those ones where people have told you your so good at or those they come to you with help yeah them ones 

    Write them down list as many as you can