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Really one of the most sensitive information topics on my blog please stop reading if anything does trigger you
This is just one person's opinion my own nothing more nothing less
Just my own insights I have had over my own mindsets just in the intention of a friendly chat, if you are having issues please seek professional help always put you first and get self help! Your priority!
In triggers alert what I have to share is more in awareness mostly
To be in touch with what your own are
Have a list of them be clear in what they are for you
Get to know yourself inside and out so it becomes like an open book you just know what does trigger you
And work on reducing them or lowering these as much as you can
And yes get help if this is needed please do!
Triggers can be a acute warning system like your build in red flags so do adhere to them
Make them clear and get clarity in any of you can
Pin point as much as you can
The more you know the more you can use an isolate system where you put you first in these times
Isolate you from any triggers as soon as possible
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