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Here on am big on acceptance
mostly of our or your self
how we see ourselves
In our own perspectives
how we are as people humans even
or in what makes us only human
and in acceptance
seeing you as a true self
as you are now in our true form is where it is and where it happens
In our being self
our essence
our substance
and being us our actual self and being empowered in it
experiencing us fully
this is usually at our most present
When we are in touch as one
a whole
of us manor
and in our whole lot of us we have full acceptance of ourselves
All our acts are our full responsibility
we have the power
the will
we are accountable
to us as a whole
our mind heart soul connects us and we are all in this essence
Wholeheartedly us
In acceptance we unconditional have our ownness present
We accept us all
warts and all
failures and imperfections
we seize fully ownership
Of all of us and our behaviour and accept them while
In the power of this
We embrace who we are
One part at a time sometimes if that's where we are or piece by piece we come to terms with everything that has took it or taken face
We seize the all
Fully acceptance
We do have to think about it all each part has value
Each piece learns us something
Teaches us to be calm in the face of adversity
Understand it's meaning
In acceptance it gives us meaning
keep reading and practising this we start seeing reflective light beginning
what's in the past has already been done it's took place
so there's next and gain
acceptance in the flow of what's next
you choose It's your choice your decision
willingness in acceptance of the self