
A Journey into Creativity

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into creativity, rediscover, expressing, exploring,

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kazsart is a helping hand a friend along with you 

use this site as a dip in dab service like it's in line with your energy levels as a prompt, guide to be used frequently when required

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Category: Self Reflection

  1. Counterproduction

    Posted on

    A lot of time in self reflection and working through emotional states there's times where we become become stuck like in a seesaw sway 

    Where we are one way 

    But there's a giant pull a giant sway towards the other way 

    One emotion will pull us towards another way another side 

    Where we may think we are going along at a steady stream where we feel knocked off or swayed away even like a current underneath that pulls us off course in these times it's useful to know about counterproduction work in those times 

    How our energy levels our emotion levels have a swing and fro sometimes even a turnaround type of way in when we feel one emotion and it throws us another way even the opposite sometimes these take a definite more effort to turn back towards a even balance 

    Which we tend to gravitate towards 

  2. Comfort

    Posted on

    One of the things I have found more than any other time that you if ever feel uncomfortable put you first in these times

    if you can in your own comfort

    as you and your own comfort counts for the best 

    In all things considered comfort of our own self

    should be premium bondsmanship,

    we own it too ourselves to always in times of discomfort to put us ourselves first in these times anyway you see fit 

    as you are always in charge of you more so in the power of comfort it's yours too seek if needs must 

    I have been an ambassador of choosing comfort in times of need for a good while now with myself it all started in my early twenties when I ha d some bad times areas in my life where I looked for all ways sometimes it's been at the expense of me in a escape like way to act 

    Just in doing so more and more happened around me some devastation too and in those areas and times I found comfort

    Mostly in the stuff that happens in front of us 

    taking stock of this 

    I found my first taste of comfort 

    so this is what I use in times when things look bleak or I feel a lot of discomfort I seek out the comfort in things I know and understand

    I take this comfort and make it a priority 

    just for enough time to build up your energy supplies and resources to the level you require to when your good and ready to tackle it again 

    this time with your own freshness that appears in times of comfort ready and waiting to reach your next obstacle what ever this brings 

    remember in discomfort, any red flags any gut instinct feelings this is time to seek the comfort bond that you have with you yourself 

    Put you first in these times always




  3. Acceptance for beginners

    Posted on

    Acceptance is just like it sounds 

    Acceptance of you yourself 

    That begins in the way we think of ourselves as we truly are 

    We just see us as it is 

    Nothing less nothing more 

    Just a normal level a equal in the same level as anyone else 

    Even the next person 

    No one is different inside we all have the same 

    In the same way we are made 

    Inside and outside 

    We all have the same body systems and all it enables us to do 

    And in acceptance we can become at one level with these 

    We are all in the same level field which we call neural 

    This is just out natural state 

    Our natural being 

    The one you are in peace and content or on the verge of happy 

    Where everything and everyone feels the same 

    Acceptance is like the peace of ourselves

    When we feel it have peace and balance 

    The ultimate unconditional being 

    Just being us and accepted who we are in this present moment

    This present positions we find ourselves 

    It just is this !

    And this for now we are alright with whatever this state of being is